Sales Lead Generation: Using AI to Your Advantage
AI (artificial intelligence) is not just a buzzword; it’s sophisticated algorithms that can streamline and supercharge your sales lead generation – and it’s game-changing. With the need to generate and convert leads intensifying, businesses are turning to AI to better their counterparts. With there being so many different forms, knowing why and where to use them in your business is vital.
We’ll explore how AI can revolutionise sales regarding; lead scoring, personalised content, predictive analytics, and follow-ups.
What is AI in Sales Lead Generation?
AI is a sophisticated and advanced algorithm used to aggregate, organise, and distribute data to optimise sales operations. The B2B landscape becoming more complex, and competitive than ever. Businesses are putting more time, effort, and investment to generate leads that can be converted.
Why Use AI for Sales Lead Generation?
According to HubSpot, 71% of sales teams have invested in some form of AI to improve their sales performance. With increased competition in the market, it’s more difficult to generate leads and close sales. That’s where the growing popularity of AI plays a part. Additionally, the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute reported that Salesforce found that high-performing people are 5 times more likely to have some form of AI as part of their operations.
Investing in AI is separating high-performing teams to low-performing ones. This is due to having the necessary tools and resources to carry our their sales tasks more effectively and efficiently.
Reasons to Use AI for Sales Lead Generation
With an uptake in investing in AI for sales teams to generate leads, it is worth exploring where AI can help. There are many AI providers that can offer different solutions for business. In this case, we’ll focus on common areas that AI can support to improve B2B lead generation and sales conversion.
Lead Scoring
AI lead scoring is simply categorising an individual by assigning a score based on their likelihood to buy. This plays an integral part of the sales process, as it informs sales teams of what stage a prospect is at in the sales funnel. With the help of AI lead scoring, sales teams can quickly identify and prioritise their time spent with those who are likely to convert, thus, improving sales efficiency.
Personalised Content
Sales lead generation isn’t easy, and requires a lot of time and effort. An example of this is communicating to your target market, if your messaging isn’t on-point, you won’t be able to add value to your potential customers. Therefore, we spend a significant amount of time writing content.
However, it’s not the be all and end all. A growing number of AI programs use machine learning algorithms to gather data on customers, which allows them to tailor more personalized content to them. Businesses can invest in tools that can be advantageous for the long run, whether it’s an email marketing campaign, sales pitch, or ads.
Predictive Analytics
Predictive analysis AI, simply put, is algorithmic software that can gather historical data to help make better informed decisions. Data analysis is vital for every company, no matter their size. Knowing what is working, and when to take an action will greatly determine a business’s success.
Investing in predictive analytics AI can be extremely beneficial when generating leads. Marketing and sales teams will be able to accurately predict the next steps they should take that will give them the best success. For example, predictive analytics AI could present patterns highlighting that if a product addresses a particular pain point, they’d be more willing to purchase. In this case, sales and marketing teams can adapt their messages that resonate with potential customers, increasing the chances of generating leads and, ultimately, conversion.
Automated Follow-ups
AI can be an extremely beneficial tool when it comes to following up with prospects. According to IRC sales solutions, 44% of sales representatives give up after one follow-up attempt. There is huge potential in generating and closing sales being wasted. However, prospects might not be ready to buy, but with additional follow-ups it might persuade them to take an action.
Following up with prospects requires manual effort, but often results in no response. This may explain why this statistic is so high. Artificial intelligence can automate and streamline the sales follow-up process. Using AI can be beneficial when delivering the right follow-up messages, at the right time, when there is a fine line between following up too soon and too late.
In conclusion, AI’s integration into sales lead generation is the key to staying ahead in today’s competitive market. Its impact is evident in B2B lead generation, content personalization, predictive analytics, and automated follow-ups. Executing them all well with AI can help boost sales efficiency and improve conversion rates. Thus, those investing in AI are not only embracing it; but value it as a necessity for success.
The future of sales is here, and it’s driven by AI.
To find out more about our B2B telemarketing and lead generation services, contact us today at 0330 808 0866 or head to our website to get in touch.
Ryan Whyte is the Senior Campaign Manager where he leads a team of B2B telemarketers to deliver high-quality leads for clients. With a strong background in campaign management and a focus on driving results, Ryan is dedicated to optimising strategies that maximise client success in B2B lead generation.